• DIY Crafting

    Art Projects: Types of Ephemera to Inspire You

    Types of Ephemera to Inspire Your Art Projects One of the most exciting things about getting involved in arts and crafts projects is experimenting with the different types of materials you can use to create them. If you’re looking for inspiration to get started, here are some of the most popular materials used in creative crafts today. Fabric scraps Unused fabric scraps can be used for a number of different crafts, from making new fabric items to creating small sculptures. The process is quite simple; just cut the scrap into the desired size, shape or length and use hot glue…

  • DIY Crafting

    How to Overcome Creative Anxiety and Stay Motivated in your Crafts

    Creative Anxiety Sometimes, the most challenging part about being creative and making something new isn’t actually creating. It’s getting out of your own way so you can see it through to completion. Whether you’re working on an artistic project, a business idea, or a personal project, there are some common challenges that arise as you get started. The more ideas you have, the more likely it is that you’ll experience some combination of these difficulties. If you work hard to make sure that every idea has value and potential, these setbacks will be less frequent and more productive steps in…

  • Crafty Inspiration - DIY Crafting

    Personalized Crafting: How to Add your Essence into your Crafts

    Crafts are a great way to express your personality. Make them for yourself, or give them away as gifts to show people what you like and what you’re interested in. If you’ve been struggling with finding time to make crafts, don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to infuse your personality into your crafts without taking up all your free time. Here’s a few ideas: Personalized crafting prompts you to use things that remind you of yourself: If you love collecting stamps from different countries and want to use those stamps on your cards, go for it! It’s a unique way…