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Essential Elementary School Supplies

As the school year winds down, it’s the perfect time to start thinking ahead to the next one. Whether your child attends a traditional school or is homeschooled, having the right supplies can set the stage for a successful academic year.

In this post, I will share tips for wrapping up the current school year, making the most of the summer break, and preparing for an exciting new school year with all the essential supplies.

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I. Wrapping Up the School Year

Declutter and Organize

The end of the school year is an excellent time to declutter and organize. Go through your child’s backpack, desk, and study area to remove any unnecessary items. Decluttering helps create a clean slate for the next school year and can even be a fun project to do together.


  • Sort and Recycle: Separate items into three categories: keep, recycle, and discard. This is a great opportunity to teach kids about recycling and donating gently used supplies. For instance, old notebooks with unused pages can be transformed into scrapbooks or sketch pads.
  • Create a Memory Box: Save special projects, artwork, and reports in a designated box. This not only preserves memories but also helps clear out space. Encourage your child to decorate their memory box, turning it into a creative activity.
  • Digital Declutter: Don’t forget about digital files. Go through your child’s computer or tablet, organizing files and deleting unnecessary ones. Create folders for different subjects or projects to keep everything orderly.

Reflect and Celebrate

Take some time to reflect on the achievements and challenges of the past school year. Celebrate the successes and discuss what could be improved next year. Reflection can be a powerful tool for growth and helps set the tone for the upcoming year.


  • End-of-Year Questionnaire: Have your child fill out a fun questionnaire about their favorite subjects, best friends, and memorable moments. This can be a keepsake to look back on in future years.
  • Host a Mini Party: Celebrate with a small end-of-year party. This could be a picnic in the park or a special family dinner. Consider involving your child in the planning process, letting them choose the menu or activities.
  • Reflective Journaling: Encourage your child to keep a journal where they can write about their school year experiences. This not only helps with reflection but also enhances writing skills.

II. Making the Most of Summer Break

Keep Learning Fun

Summer is a time for relaxation, but keeping the learning momentum going is important too. Incorporate educational activities that are fun and engaging. Learning doesn’t have to stop just because school is out.


Summer Reading List: Create a list of books for summer reading. Many libraries offer summer reading programs with incentives. Choose a mix of fiction and non-fiction to keep things interesting. You can even create a reading challenge with rewards for completing books.

  • Educational Outings: Plan trips to museums, zoos, and science centers to make learning hands-on and exciting. Look for special summer programs or workshops that might be available.
  • Science Experiments at Home: Conduct simple science experiments at home using everyday materials. This can spark curiosity and make learning fun. Websites like Science Bob and Steve Spangler Science have great ideas for experiments.
  • Creative Writing Projects: Encourage your child to write stories, poems, or even a summer diary. You can turn this into a family activity by writing stories together and sharing them during a weekly “family storytime.”

Stay Organized with Supplies

Use the summer months to gradually gather the school supplies you’ll need for the upcoming year. This prevents last-minute shopping stress and allows you to take advantage of sales. Planning ahead can also be a great way to teach kids about budgeting and organization.


  • Inventory Check: Go through last year’s supplies to see what can be reused. This is a good lesson in resourcefulness and sustainability.
  • Supply List: Create a detailed list of items needed. For traditional school students, this might include notebooks, pencils, and folders. For homeschoolers, consider educational materials and tools for hands-on projects. Get your child involved in making the list to ensure everything is remembered.
  • Back-to-School Sales: Keep an eye out for back-to-school sales and stock up on essentials when they’re discounted. Many stores start these sales in July or August.

III. Preparing for the New School Year

Shopping for Essential Elementary School Supplies-

Whether you’re preparing for a traditional classroom or setting up your homeschool space, having the right supplies is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive list to ensure you have everything you need.

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Top Supplies:

  • Notebooks and Binders: Keep notes organized and easy to reference. Consider using color-coded notebooks for different subjects to make it easy for your child to find what they need.
  • Quality Pencils and Pens: Essential for all writing tasks. [Affiliate Link] Invest in ergonomic options that are comfortable for little hands to hold.
  • Art Supplies: Encourage creativity with a good set of colored pencils, markers, and paints. [Affiliate Link] Look for non-toxic and washable options, especially for younger children.
  • Backpack: Choose a durable and comfortable backpack for carrying books and supplies. [Affiliate Link] Make sure it has enough compartments to keep things organized and consider one with padded straps for added comfort.
  • Educational Tools: For homeschoolers, consider tools like a globe, microscope, or math manipulatives. [Affiliate Link] These can make learning interactive and fun.
  • Tech Gear: If your child uses a tablet or laptop for school, ensure they have the necessary accessories like headphones, a protective case, and perhaps a stylus.
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Setting Up the Study Space

Create a conducive learning environment at home, whether it’s for homework or full-time homeschooling. A well-organized and inviting study space can significantly impact your child’s focus and productivity.

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  • Dedicated Space: Designate a specific area for studying to help your child focus. This could be a corner of a room, a desk in their bedroom, or a dedicated study area.
  • Comfortable Seating: Ensure the chair and desk are comfortable and at the right height. Ergonomic furniture can help prevent strain and discomfort during long study sessions.
  • Organizational Tools: Use bins, shelves, and drawers to keep supplies tidy and accessible. Labeling these can help your child find what they need quickly and maintain order.
  • Personal Touches: Let your child personalize their study space with decorations, motivational quotes, or artwork. This can make the area more inviting and increase their sense of ownership and responsibility.
  • Lighting: Good lighting is crucial for reducing eye strain. Ensure the study area is well-lit, using natural light if possible, or investing in a good desk lamp.

Building Excitement for the New Year

Make the start of the school year something to look forward to by building anticipation and excitement. Positive reinforcement and setting the right expectations can help your child transition smoothly.


  • Countdown Calendar: Create a countdown calendar for the first day of school. Each day can include a small activity or task related to preparing for school.
  • School Year Goals: Help your child set academic and personal goals for the new year. Setting goals can give them a sense of direction and motivation. Review these goals periodically and celebrate achievements.
  • Back-to-School Shopping: Involve your child in choosing their supplies and clothes. This can make them feel more invested in the new school year. Turn shopping trips into special outings by including a fun activity or treat.
  • School Year Preview: Talk about what to expect in the upcoming school year. Discuss new subjects, potential projects, and any extracurricular activities they might be interested in.

IV. Helpful Tips and Hacks

For Traditional School Parents

  • Label Everything: Use name labels on all supplies to prevent loss. This is especially important for younger children who might misplace items more easily.
  • Emergency Kit: Pack a small emergency kit with band-aids, tissues, and hand sanitizer. Include any personal items your child might need, such as an allergy medication or a spare inhaler.
  • Homework Station: Set up a designated homework station at home to maintain a routine. Ensure this area is free from distractions and stocked with necessary supplies.
  • Morning Routine: Establish a consistent morning routine to make school mornings less chaotic. This might include setting out clothes the night before and preparing a healthy breakfast.
  • After-School Activities: Plan for after-school activities that balance relaxation and continued learning. This could be sports, arts and crafts, or educational games.
  • Stay Connected: Maintain open communication with your child’s teacher and school. Attend parent-teacher meetings and stay informed about school events and updates.

For Homeschooling Moms

  • Flexible Schedule: Create a flexible schedule that allows for breaks and varied learning activities. Flexibility can help accommodate your child’s natural learning rhythms and interests.
  • Join a Homeschool Group: Connect with other homeschooling families for support and group activities. These groups can offer resources, field trip opportunities, and social interactions for your child.
  • Resourceful Planning: Utilize online resources and local libraries for free or low-cost educational materials. Websites like Khan Academy, PBS Kids, and National Geographic Kids offer valuable content.
  • Hands-On Learning: Incorporate hands-on projects and experiments into your curriculum. This can make learning more engaging and memorable.
  • Field Trips: Plan regular field trips to museums, historical sites, and nature reserves. These outings can complement your lessons and provide real-world learning experiences.
  • Self-Care for Mom: Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Homeschooling can be demanding, so schedule regular breaks and self-care activities to avoid burnout.

V. Summer Activities to Bridge the Gap

Summer is a fantastic opportunity to engage your child in activities that are both fun and educational, ensuring they remain intellectually stimulated and curious about the world around them.

Outdoor Adventures

Taking advantage of the warm weather to explore the outdoors can provide numerous learning opportunities and physical benefits.


  • Nature Hikes: Explore local trails and parks. Use this time to teach your child about different plant species, insects, and wildlife. Create a scavenger hunt to make it more interactive.
  • Gardening: Start a small garden in your backyard or even use pots on a balcony. Gardening teaches responsibility and provides lessons in biology and ecology.
  • Camping: Whether it’s in your backyard or at a campsite, camping can be an exciting way to learn about nature. Teach your child basic survival skills and enjoy activities like stargazing and storytelling around the campfire.

Indoor Creativity

Indoor activities can be just as enriching, offering a space for creativity and focused learning.


  • Arts and Crafts: Dedicate time each week to various arts and crafts projects. Try activities like painting, clay modeling, and DIY projects. These can help develop fine motor skills and creativity.
  • Cooking and Baking: Involve your child in the kitchen. Cooking teaches math through measuring ingredients and science through understanding how ingredients react together. Plus, it’s a fun way to spend time together and enjoy the results of your work.
  • DIY Science Experiments: Conduct experiments using household items. Create a volcano with baking soda and vinegar, or make slime with glue and borax. These projects are both fun and educational.
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Reading and Writing Challenges

Encouraging your child to read and write during the summer can prevent the “summer slide” and foster a love for literature and storytelling.


  • Book Clubs: Start a book club with your child and their friends. Choose a book to read and discuss each week. This can improve reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
  • Writing Prompts: Provide daily or weekly writing prompts. Encourage your child to write stories, poems, or letters. You can even create a family newsletter where your child can contribute articles.
  • Library Visits: Make regular trips to the library. Allow your child to explore different genres and choose books that interest them. Participate in library events and reading programs.

VI. Preparing Emotionally and Socially

As the new school year approaches, it’s crucial to prepare your child not only academically but also emotionally and socially.

Emotional Readiness

Helping your child feel confident and prepared for the new school year can reduce anxiety and foster a positive mindset.


  • Talk About Feelings: Discuss any worries or excitement your child might have about the new school year. Validate their feelings and offer reassurance.
  • Role-Playing: Practice scenarios your child might encounter at school, such as introducing themselves to new classmates or asking the teacher for help.
  • Mindfulness Activities: Introduce your child to mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Activities like deep breathing, yoga, or meditation can help them manage stress.

Social Skills

Developing social skills is essential for making new friends and adapting to a new classroom environment.


  • Playdates: Arrange playdates with classmates or neighbors to help your child build social connections. This can ease the transition back to school.
  • Group Activities: Enroll your child in group activities like sports teams, dance classes, or art workshops. These provide opportunities to practice teamwork and communication.
  • Conflict Resolution: Teach your child basic conflict resolution skills. Role-play different situations and discuss how to handle disagreements respectfully.

VII. Essential Elementary School Supplies Conclusion

Transitioning from the end of the school year to the start of a new one can be smooth and enjoyable with the right approach and supplies. By decluttering and reflecting on the past year, making the most of the summer break, and preparing thoughtfully for the new school year, you can set your child (and yourself) up for success.

Happy learning!

Elementary School Supplies

By Kristen

Hi, I'm a 40-year-old stay-at-home mom who is passionate about my family, my hobbies, and my dreams. My daughter, who is 9 years old, is the light of my life, and I've made the choice to homeschool her to ensure she receives a customized education that aligns with our family values. As a hopeful small business owner, I'm always on the lookout for new opportunities to turn my interests into a profitable venture. I've found my spot in the world of online resale, using platforms like eBay and Poshmark to sell carefully curated items. My business sense and eye for unique pieces have helped me begin to turn my hobby into a thriving enterprise. Crafting is another passion of mine, and I enjoy spending my time creating beautiful items with my hands. I'm always looking for new techniques and materials to experiment with, and my creativity and attention to detail are evident in every project I undertake. Along with my love of crafting, I'm also a blogger. I share my experiences and insights on motherhood, entrepreneurship, homeschooling and creativity with my readers. Writing is a therapeutic outlet for me, and I love being able to connect with others who share similar interests and experiences. Overall, I'm proud of the life I've built for myself and my family. I'm committed to following my passions and turning my dreams into a reality. I hope to inspire others to do the same and live a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

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